Friday, March 27, 2020

How to Play Computer Games - Learn More About the Games You Want to Play

How to Play Computer Games - Learn More About the Games You Want to PlayHave you ever considered using a tomy tutor to teach you how to play computer games? I bet if you're reading this then you probably have a burning desire to learn how to play some cool games like Half Life, Portal or GTA. Maybe you also have a mysterious love for Game Boy Advance or an impressive recollection of childhood gaming legends like Donkey Kong or Super Mario Bros. It's easy to play computer games without a teacher but the reality is that these games can be extremely difficult to play at first.I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that many people are intimidated by the idea of playing a game without a teacher. The fact is that almost every gamer from every game company is interested in your taking some time to learn how to play their game. Why not play a game like GTA that's based on a real life crime scene or Portal that seems to have been sitting on your computer screen for a long time, just waiti ng for you to use it.Playing these kinds of games is actually very easy. All you have to do is know where to look and what to do. Here are some tips to get you started learning how to play games like GTA or Portal.First of all you will need to choose a game that interests you. Most people want to play first person shooters or action adventure games. So ask yourself, 'What kind of game am I interested in playing?'Once you've chosen a game, you can start by taking a few notes. Look at your notes to see if there are any areas where you need some help or tips on how to improve and make your gaming experience more fun.I would also suggest that you would use your gaming system to help you out. Use your notebook or keyboard to take notes so that you can easily go back and take more notes.These are just a few things that you can do to make sure that you are having a blast playing games. If you put some effort into it, there is no reason why you won't find that you can play these games even if you are not studying or taking classes.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Support for Heart Tutoring Surpasses Record and Brings Program to 17 CMS School Partners - Heart Math Tutoring

Support for Heart Tutoring Surpasses Record and Brings Program to 17 CMS School Partners - Heart Math Tutoring Support for Heart Tutoring Surpasses Record and Brings Program to 17 CMS School Partners Support for Heart Tutoring Surpasses Record and Brings Program to 17 CMS School Partners September 26, 2017 CHARLOTTE, N.C. â€" Sept. 26, 2017 â€" Heart Math Tutoring (Heart) â€" a Charlotte nonprofit dedicated to helping students in high-poverty elementary schools develop math skills and academic confidence â€" wrapped up its Spring Funding Initiative with the largest amount raised to date: $840,342. This enables Heart to grow from 12 to 17 school sites during the 2017/18 school year. Funds raised were from grants, corporate donations, and community support. In the fourth quarter, grants were awarded by Skeebo Foundation ($147,302), The Dickson Foundation ($25,000), TIAA ($10,000), Duke Energy/Piedmont Natural Gas ($10,000), and a general operating grant from The Leon Levine Foundation ($40,000). In total, support from The Leon Levine Foundation makes up $170,000 of the $840,342 raised for the 2017/18 school year, comprised of the $40,000 general operating grant awarded in June 2017 and $130,000 of a three-year, $350,000 capacity-building grant awarded in March 2017. “We are so grateful for the generosity of our community partners and the financial support that will impact hundreds more students this school year,” said Emily Elliott, Executive Director of Heart Math Tutoring. “Funds raised will ensure that all students we serve develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success. Together we are helping students succeed in the classroom and beyond.” At scale, it costs $50,000 to fully fund a Heart school site where 50-80 students receive one-on-one instruction for 30 minutes twice a week from September to May. The cost of a new school site includes an on-site Program Coordinator, tutoring supplies, volunteer recruitment, assessments, and data analysis. Heart Math Tutoring is a math intervention program that recruits, trains, and supports volunteers as tutors in high-poverty elementary schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS). Hundreds of community members spend one hour each week delivering Heart’s research-based, structured curriculum. 56% percent of economically disadvantaged students in CMS performed below grade level in math on 2017 North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests. In the 2016/17 school year, 98 percent of Heart students met program growth goals in math, growing in two or more building block concept areas. On average, students doubled the goal â€" growing in 4.9 concept areas. Heart students began the year with 26 percent of foundational skills needed, based on grade level standards. By the end of the year, they grew to have 59 percent of the skills they need, cutting the gap in half. Since 2013/14, Heart has grown from serving 105 students across two schools to more than 850 students across 17 school sites in 2017/18. Heart’s 750 volunteers collectively gave more than 13,000 hours of targeted, one-on-one instruction to students during the 2016/17 school year. Much of the volunteer growth has been spurred by volunteer tutors, who have recruited friends and colleagues to join in Heart’s efforts. In addition, 100 percent of surveyed Heart volunteers rated their experience as positive, and 99 percent would recommend Heart to friends and colleagues. Heart Math Tutoring Heart Math Tutoring is a Charlotte-based nonprofit with a mission to ensure that all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success, by helping schools use volunteers as tutors. Community members commit one hour per week to deliver an effective, hands-on curriculum through one-on-one tutoring sessions during the school day in high-poverty elementary schools. For more information, visit The following is a dropbox link to Heart Math Tutoring images

Managing Test Anxiety with Repetition

Managing Test Anxiety with Repetition I had test anxiety all throughout high school and for the first few semesters of college. It wouldn’t show in every course but it was definitely there for others. I would study so hard for an exam and then become incredibly frustrated when I made a poor grade, especially after knowing that I studied much harder than some of my classmates. I sat down one day after repeatedly doing poorly in a course knowing that I would have to retake it wondering, where am I going wrong?I talked to a few other students as well as my adviser and realized that I had test anxiety, which is fairly common for most students. I would put as much effort as i could into studying for a test and then blank out once I started the exam. It took me a few tries to understand what method worked for me and it might be the same for others or different but the important part is making the change when it comes to studying. My confidence going into a test had gotten so low that it was also affecting my performance so m y first change was to change my attitude. I then began the practice of repetition. I would do every homework assignment multiple times, rewrite class notes over and over until I could explain the lesson to another student, and ask for extra problems in order for me to fully feel confident. Once I knew i had everything down, going into the test was no big deal because I knew I could do it. I know this seems like a lot of work for a test but when it comes to test anxiety, it is very important to be confident as well as repeat the work so many times that you won’t blank out. Once you regain your confidence, you can find easier methods to do and still make the same good grades.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Incredible Digital Language Labs Anyone Can Use Anywhere

5 Incredible Digital Language Labs Anyone Can Use Anywhere 5 Incredible Digital Language Labs Anyone Can Use Anywhere When you think of a lab, what do you picture?Do you think of white lab coats and safety goggles?Do you think of beakers and test tubes full of dangerous or potentially life-saving liquids?Do you think of a friendly, water-loving dog?Whatever you think of, you probably dont think of a quick route to language fluency, but you should.Digital language labs are frequently used in conventional courses. Many universities require language students to spend some time in the lab each week. These labs are usually equipped with computers, microphones and specialized programs to help students practice their language skills. Even in the digital age, this type of learning is often confined to a physical space that may be crowded and noisy.Luckily, digital language labs dont have to be that way. There are now many  language labs  that you can use anywhere, whether youre  practicing languages online  or through  language apps. Plus, you dont even have to spend thousands of dollars on college courses to get access to these labsâ€"you can subscribe and learn on your own terms.So check out these digital language labs, and make amazing discoveries and advances in your language learning. Your perception of what a lab is will never be the same again! Why Use a Digital Language Lab?First of all, digital language labs provide well-rounded practice. Whether youre learning in a classroom or on your own, it can be easy to fall into the bad habit of focusing more on one skill than another. Good language learners  know that to learn a language thoroughly, you need to make sure all your skills are developed. These include  speaking, listening, reading and writing. Since digital language labs provide well-rounded practice, using them is a helpful way to ensure that you wont wind up with a woefully imbalanced skill set.Additionally, digital language labs are exceptionally interactive. They may require you to speak, write, read or listen depending on the activity. Since youre actively partici pating in activities, youll learn more by using the language rather than just studying it. Plus, this active participation will help hold your focus more than resources like language textbooks  might, making your study time much more effective. You might even find yourself studying your target language for longer than you meant to.Finally, digital language labs are more engaging than other types of learning. Since the methods and activities vary, you wont have time to get bored with any one component, which will keep you interested and engaged.5 Incredible Digital Language Labs Anyone Can Use AnywhereMosaLinguaMosaLingua is a language learning program that uses cognitive science to try to speed up the learning process.MosaLingua focuses on the most useful, common words and introduces them slowly to aid retention. Thousands of flashcards cover useful vocabulary on topics like transportation, shopping and more. There are also dialogues that show these vocabulary words used in real-wor ld contexts.MosaLingua focuses on engaging both your visual and audio memory to maximize learning. Plus, the program is adaptable, adjusting to your needs by placing more focus on things you struggled with. Additionally, you can use MosaLingua during whatever time you have available, even if that means just a couple minutes at a time.MosaLingua offers apps for several languages, including Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German. You can also use MosaLingua online, and the web version provides additional resources that sync up with the app versions and take your learning further, including a language library and tools that allow you to better navigate online content.FluentUFluentU is an innovative language learning option that turns authentic, real-world videos into engaging learning tools for any level of language learner.FluentU features videos like movie trailers, news, music videos and more. However, each video is captioned and the captions are annotated to make FluentU b oth fun and useful. At the tips of your fingers, youll have access to any words definition, example sentences and an associated image. If you want to see how a word is used in other videos, simply click that word.Additionally, FluentU offers a unique quiz mode. Videos, pictures and example sentences are combined into flashcards and exercises for enjoyable, in-context learning.Since you choose the videos and your pace, FluentU is a versatile option, appropriate for any level of language learner. To make learning even more customized, FluentUs algorithm takes learner history into account to ensure that questions are appropriate for your unique level, ensuring that youll be challenged without ever being in over your head.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, including movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive Transcripts You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.You can use FluentU to learn Chinese, Spanish, French, English, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian and Korean.Use  FluentU online  or  download the FluentU app for iOS or Android devices.Mango LanguagesMango Languages aims to help you learn languages through realistic simulated conversations.Sentences are introduced, then broken down into com ponent parts, then put back together to help show you how the words work together. This method will also help you learn to construct your own sentences rather than focusing on memorized phrases.One of Mango Languages most unique and exciting features is its voice recorder. This voice recorder allows you to compare your speech side-by-side to that of a native speaker, helping you perfect your pronunciation. Additional activities feature reading, listening and speaking.Mango Languages offers over 70 languages, including standard offerings like Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Japanese, along with less common options like Norwegian, Serbian, Azerbaijani, Cherokee and many others.You can use Mango Languages online or via iOS and Android app.Living Language LabLiving Language is a helpful program that seamlessly integrates focused studying with activities to reinforce your learning.For most languages offered, there are three levels ranging from beginning through advanced. Lessons cov er useful topics like getting around, dining and more. Lessons usually start with learning material, such as words, phrases, sentences or conversation. To reinforce the learning, lessons usually end with a game or activity. This variation will help you to participate more actively while engaging with the language.Living Language offers over 20 languages, including American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog and Vietnamese. You might even decide to pick up some conversational Dothraki.You can use Living Language online, purchase software or use its iOS app.SmiginSmigin is an online learning option that focuses on practicing conversation in order to learn a language.The idea is that youll naturally absorb grammar and vocabulary through the simple act of conversation.Conversations focus on useful words that travelers are likely to encounter, like coffee. This way, you can hit the ground running with words youre likely to want to use in real life.Smigin also features videos to show you conversations, giving you a clearer idea of what a conversation in your target language would be like. Plus, these videos were shot on location to give you a clear idea of place along with language practice.Interactive, simulated conversations allow you to put together responses to basic conversational prompts, which will give you essential skills that you can use in the real world.With plenty of images, video, audio, grammar lessons and interactive activities, Smigin is a well-rounded option that covers many key aspects of language.Smigin is available online and offers Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese.With these five digital language labs, the next time you think of the word lab, you might just picture one of the greatest learning tools in your arsenal.

Flipper International School Plc

Flipper International School Plc Flipper International School Plc Background information Flipper International School (FIS) is a privately owned school accredited by the Ministry of Education as a “Foreign Investors’ School”. The School was founded in 1998 by Mr. Abiy Seifu, Ms. Menna Selamu and Ms. Serkaddis Seifu with the vision to provide a loving and stable learning environment for preschool age children. Through the years, FIS has acquired a good reputation and has become one of the most sought out preschools in Addis Ababa that prepares students for academic excellence. In 2010, to meet the growing educational demand in the capital city of Addis Ababa, FIS formed partnership with Schulze Global Investments (SGI), a private American investment firm, with a goal to establish FIS primary and secondary school. FIS is a vibrant and highly effective school that operates from three locations around Cazanchis, Beklobet and CMC-Summit. The school currently operates until Grade 5. To further expand its educational services until Grade 12, FIS has acquired 17,000 sqm of land in the CMC-Summit area to build an international standard school facility. School Vision To play a major role in the field of education by providing a broad and balanced curriculum that enables students to be independent learners with a great sense of community and high moral value. Core values Provide a secure and safe learning environment Provide a loving learning environment Provide a motivating, engaging and inclusive learning environment.

Colegio Hacienda Los Alcaparros

Colegio Hacienda Los Alcaparros Colegio Hacienda Los Alcaparros From the onset Colegio Hacienda Los Alcaparros had a special mission: to teach and educate through an approach that envisions education as an ethical, scientific, and aesthetic practice. The Alcaparros approach also includes a respect for differences and for the individual process for learning that is unique to each person. Students are active participants in this ongoing educational project that is based on promoting personal development while encouraging conflict resolution. This innovative method is aimed at forming global citizens. Alcaparros students are aware, knowledgeable, have a commitment to ecology and to large-scale global issues. Aside from what is taught in the classroom students gain knowledge through participation at an international level in conferences and enrich their educational experience through interdisciplinary project-based learning and cultural exchanges. Pedagocial Principles One sole philosophy permeates the educational project; however, the school is made up of four different schools whereby each has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the various age groups. Each of the four schools is jointly coordinated by the Academic and the Human Development Departments. The purpose of this co-work is to balance both perspectives in order to fulfill our mission of educating children within high standards of academic rigor, emotional stability, autonomy, and responsibility. True to our principles of inclusion and respect for individual differences, the Human Development Department focuses its work on the individual. To do this, it is integrated into the curricular programs that encourage assuming clear, appreciative, and responsible positions regarding each students self-development and that of others. Likewise, the Department carries out programs aimed at developing social skills, conflict resolution strategies, substance abuse prevention, responsible sexuality, ethical growth, and each individuals life project, amongst others. The Academic Development Department, on the other hand, is in charge of academics and curriculum design. The Department decides what is taught in each subject area, its scope and sequence, and the type of work required by students in order to reach desired standards and objectives. Since its origin in 1992, Alcaparros has consolidated itself as bilingual with high academic achievements as reflected in national and international standardized test scores. Furthermore, we are pioneers in our internationally recognized theatrical performances and musical and instrumental programs. Because we believe in the importance of learning by doing, we have designed an innovative curriculum in which formal pedagogical practices go hand-in-hand with recent educational research. Our educational program is designed to promote each students potential, social responsibility, and an appreciation for learning.. View our Brochure

Whiteboard Com Online Tutoring - How To Find The Best Online Tutoring

Whiteboard Com Online Tutoring - How To Find The Best Online TutoringAre you searching for good online tutoring options? There are many who are looking to find good quality online tutoring to meet their needs and requirements. The amount of people who are looking for good online tutoring is high and also the places where they can get the best.You have seen the big search engines and made your choice among these. And in the middle of all you have found some help with bad internet services that make your choice slow. But what does your choice actually mean? This article is going to explain the bad online tutoring you have made a choice by giving an honest explanation.A good whiteboard com online tutoring is having clear video lessons, which is a great move to improve your learning. A good whiteboard com online tutoring course would usually include the features that your child needs.One of the features you can see with a whiteboard com online tutoring course is the fact that you get to watch the video lesson on your screen so that you can guide your child in the lesson. They can easily see it and learn along with you in a classroom. So if your child has learning difficulty then this whiteboard com online tutoring may be the answer to your problem.As you know that you have a limited time to study and be there when the study is done then make sure that you take your time in online tutoring. It would be a good idea to have a course that is according to your needs and requirements as it will provide you the answers to all your study questions.If you would want a better advantage you need to have a good whiteboard com online tutoring at the right time. So make sure that you have an hour of whiteboard com online tutoring once a week so that you can ensure that you will get the right kind of attention to your questions.You will learn that there are many online tutoring courses but make sure that the one you have chosen is going to give you the best and the easiest. One o f the best aspects of online tutoring is that you can find it from anywhere at any time of the day. So if you can stay online you can take your whiteboard com online tutoring with you anywhere.